수학특강 [An Introductory Course on Volume Conjecture] 강의록 페이지입니다.

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made by 최태림,유한백

  1. A brief introduction to Volume conjecture

  2. Linear fractional transformation and 2-dimensional hyperbolic geometry

    1. Linear fraction transformation, 2-dimensional hyperbolic metric (2.1~2.4)[pdf] [tex]  [Figure 1,2,3]
    2. 2-dimensional hyperbolic geometry (2.5)[pdf] [tex]  [Figure 4,5,6,7]   [Figure 8~15]
    3. Special Polygon (2.6) [pdf] [tex]   [Figure 16~19]

  3. Inversive geometry and hyperbolic geometry

    1. Inversion(or reflection) and Mobius transformation (3.1~3.4) [pdf] [tex]
    2. Poincare extention and hyperbolic structure (3.5~3.7)[pdf] [tex]   [Figure 3.1]