- Abstract
- Reference
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3. Jones, V.F.R.:
Hecke algebra representations of braid groups and link polynomials.
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4. Wadati, M.,Akutsu, Y., Deguchi, T.:
Knot theory based on solvable models at criticality,
Integrable systems in quantum field theory and statistical mechanics.
Academic Press, 193-285 (1989)
5. Ohtsuki, T.:
Quantum Invariants(Series on Knots and Everything-Vol.29).
World Scientific, Singapore, 2002. (Chapter 1,2)
6. 조진석, 2004년 1월 19일 세미나 자료
(Murasugi Ch.12. 1, 2절 내용을 보충한 자료. hwp파일. 고쳐야 할 곳 엄청 많음)
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